电 话:0755-84065367 84214948
传 真:0755-84320101
邮 箱:power@cummins.vip
高低压开关柜是接高压或低压线缆的设备,一般供电局、变电所都是用高压柜,然后经变压器降压再到低压柜, 低压柜在到各个用电的配电箱,里面无非就是把一些开关断路器之类保护器件组装成一体的电气设备。
(1)固定式。高压断路器安装在开关柜的固定架构上,结构简单价格便宜,因没有隔离触头,不容易出现接触不良 引起的温度过高,甚至造成相间或对地击穿等
严重事故;但是,存在柜体高度和宽度偏大、检修断路器困难以及检 修时间长等缺点。
(2)移开式。高压断路器安装在开关柜内可移开的小车上(以便维修),称为移开式或小车式;这种柜型的各功能小 室相互隔开,正常操作性能和防误操作功能比较
完善和合理,检修方便,而且可以靠墙或背靠背安装,节省空间 。
安装完毕后应进行试验和调整,试验标准应符合国家规范和供电部门的规定及产品技术资料要 求,然后进行各种试验,做好送电前的准备工作。
Cummins diesel generator set product advantages:
1. Its unparalleled cost-effective is one of the elements of other international brands can not replace.
2. Products in China has a perfect sales and after-sales service network, covering all of China's provincial and prefecture level.
3. The stability of the product is well-established, especially market share in China's history of eternity.
4. Almost all Chinese diesel generator set industry technical personnel are available with the technology of cummins maintenance.
5. Simple operation procedure, a common fault code, even lower than most of the domestic brands of low maintenance costs.
6. Demands for fuel oil, lubricating oil is extremely low, the indirect help users reduce the less developed countries and areas using conditions and requirements.
7. Compared with the direct injection diesel engine products, cummins is one of the highest emission standard brand, support global environmental causes.
8. Accessories easy access, almost does not exist without cummins accessories in China region.
9. Cummins stores, distributors and dealers basic perennial spot available products and accessories.
10.Fuel economy leading technology products, especially suitable for backup power market, is the only choice for emergency power supply.