
发电机出租范围:广州市 从化市 增城市 深圳市 珠海市 汕头市 韶关市
乐昌市 南雄市 佛山市 江门市 台山市 开平市 鹤山市 恩平市 湛江市
廉江市 雷州市 吴川市 茂名市 高州市 化州市 信宜市 肇庆市 高要市
四会市 惠州市 惠东县 博罗县 龙门县 梅州市 兴宁市 汕尾市 陆丰市
河源市 阳江市 阳春市 清远市 英德市 连州市 东莞市 中山市 潮州市
揭阳市 普宁市 云浮市 罗定市
Cummins power equipment (shenzhen) co., LTD., corp., specializing in diesel generator set for sale rental business, long-term and Chinese building, China railway, China railway construction, China building, water and electricity, China railway port and waterway bureau, China railway tunnel, China road and bridge fe DaQiaoJu maintain strategic cooperative relations, and other large construction industry according to different requirements with fixed well-catalogued, mobile trailer type, low noise sound box type three series products, and to day rent, rent, in the form of bulk supply. Cummins power market in China the only authorized power equipment leasing service, is the first choice for power quality and brand assurance partner!
Power generators lease: 50 kw, 100 kw, 150 kw, 200 kw, 300 kw, 400 kw, 550 kw, 800 kw, 1000 kw, 1500 kw and other common power.
Scope of generator rental: zengcheng city, guangzhou conghua city of zhuhai shaoguan city, shantou city Lechang city South male, jiangmen, foshan city, taishan, kaiping Yinhe enping zhanjiang Lianjiang city wuchuan city of maoming huazhou city of gaozhou county city zhaoqing factory.to XinYi
Sihui huidong county huizhou boluo county xin longmen county, meizhou city lufeng city, shanwei cities Yangjiang German qingyuan city yangchun city of heyuan city of dongguan zhongshan city chaozhou
Jieyang city puning yunfu luoding
The above information by shenzhen cummins power official release, please do not reprint without permission!